Right Actions – Take Stock, it’s Day 15!

Hi there!

First a huge APOLOGY! On Friday a message was drafted and should have been sent to you explaining the weekend of no messages that was in the offing. Unfortunately, it wasn’t sent and I’m just coming to find out this morning.

To those of you inquiring…I will make every effort to be in touch personally as soon as possible. Thank you so much for the love and best wishes. (All is well, just was unable to be online)

As you can imagine, the boatload of messages, notifications and online activity to respond to after being away for just 3 days is amazing.

So…as for our subject line question…today is day 15 of our 21 days of RIGHT ACTION. It is ALSO the 40th day of our 75 day journey together.

Which means we’ve passed the half-way mark. We’ve spent more time together than we have ahead of us, at least on this 75 day journey. 🙂

I think that is a wonderful thing. To be committed and engaged in any activity designed for self-empowerment and world impact for 40 days is something to acknowledge and celebrate.





1)  Review your commitments, motivations, benefits and goals for yourself (in reference to this 75-day journey)

2)  Assess your progress – what to improve upon and what to celebrate?

3)  Reach out to your accountability partner

4)  Review the past 14 days of activity…what can you improve?

5)  Do whatever was left undone and bring yourself “current”

6)  Find some small yet powerfully symbolic way to celebrate reaching the 40th day of our journey together

7)  Find someone, anyone to encourage today and DO it! 🙂

I wish you an abundance of love, peace, joy and prosperity,
Julette Millien

Right Choices and Right Actions – Day 11 of 21 Days of Right Action

Hi there – this will be a quick and I hope helpful message.

Right actions require right choices, right decisions. I’d like you to examine your choices today.

What did you decide to feel when you woke up this morning?

What did you decide/choose to eat and do within the first 2 hours of your day?

What did you choose to say to the first people you saw for the day?

What did you decide to read for the day – or first thing for the day?

What did you decide /choose to think and feel within the first hour of your day?

Who did you decide to hang with, talk to or be with?

What did you decide to think and feel about your challenges – small and large, so far today?

How did you decide to react to “difficult people” or situations today?

What choices did you make about your commitment to daily activities – right actions today?

How will you decide to complete your day today?

Ponder, write, share…and have an empowering and magnificent rest of the day.

Love & Light,
Julette Millien

Taking Right Actions; Are you in control? Day 10

Hi there!

Yesterday, I wasn’t in touch with you and I felt the difference! 🙂

December has always been a lighter month for me with my work BUT something is different this year. In previous years I’ve made a deliberate attempt to slow down. It’s usually a month of organizing, reflecting and personal connections…this year, work is so intense I’ve hardly slowed down. Added to which the holiday season now is here and brings with it a whole other set of functions and activities.

These next two weeks will be magnificent! I claim it and so it is. 🙂

In the midst of activities, fast and furious it’s even more important to stay with inner peace.

Another treadmill insight for you! lol

This morning, there I was again reading and walking…found myself feeling pretty out of breath. I took note because the heart monitor thingy wasn’t working and I wasn’t doing anything so different with the workout to be winded…within moments of this thought, the person behind me stopped singing out loud in an odd voice and the machine next to me (where my husband was) suddenly went to a much slower pace.
Guess what happened? I just as suddenly was no longer out of breath!

Without realizing it I was totally affected by the noise, the pace and probably the slight irritation of the bad singing! This was reflected in my heart rate.

My lesson and yours too if you so desire… TUNE FOLKS OUT SOMETIMES!! If we go on automatic, people can really have a profound impact on our emotions AND heart rate even! Know what’s going on, recognize it for whatever it is and tune it out if necessary.

Don’t let people derail you from your best life, your best emotions and your best right actions.

Stay the course by placing them and all in perspective.

When I realized what happened, I decided to hear the singing differently. [Yes, he started back up] I heard it as a loved one singing for the first time in years because s/he had been unable to speak. Suddenly, it was heard differently and with pleasure.

AMAZING the control over our own self we all have.

What can you take more control of today?

What’s impacting you without your awareness or conscious consent?

Consider and reflect. Then take control. It may not seem or feel like it, but you are in control of all that you feel, think and do. It’s all a matter of choice.

Are you doing your daily actions – working on your project – creating a powerful habit of daily right action?

I hope it’s YES • YES • YES •!!!

The ONLY thing to do if it’s not, is FORGIVE yourself and move on. Each moment is an opportunity for a new life. You have to just take the first step in that direction.

I encourage you to share with your accountability partner, share with our journey members on the event wall and write in your journal. You will make this experience richer for yourself and for others as you share.

Wishing you an abundance of peace, joy and love,
Julette Millien

Get a Little Support – Day 8 of 21 Days of Right Action

Hi there!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you continued your right actions that are designed to create the powerful new success habits you are after.

This morning I was in the gym, on the treadmill and I was increasing the speed and slope, trying to get my heart rate elevated. As I was doing that, I realized I had to concentrate more on what I was doing (was also reading, holding the article for better viewing) by freeing my hands and breathing more consciously and deeply because the multi-tasking approach was taking its toll.

When I did that adjustment with my focus and attention, I was able to increase the slope a little higher. But again I got a bit winded, so I ever so slightly rested my hands, palm up on the bar in front of me. I was AMAZED with how immediately and significantly my breathing came under control. It was the slightest touch!

Relevance to you of all of this? You must be asking, right? 🙂

Well here it is.

Getting support on this journey does not require you to do a whole lot. Just reach out to your accountability partner, leave a message on the event wall or send me a message – or all 3, if you’re so inclined. Feeling the support of another person can make SO much difference in our lives as we take on the challenge of self-improvement and other projects.

Just reach out.

Don’t remain flustered – if I didn’t get that slight support from the bar, I would’ve had to lower my speed or slope and end up NOT getting the work-out my heart really needs.

If you don’t get the support required – we ALL need support at some point or another – you may take on a lesser challenge or even, give up on this particular endeavor, missing out on all the wonderful benefits in store for you.

And even if all is going well and wonderful – still reach out and keep the connection nurtured. That might be the precise moment your accountability partner or a person reviewing the messages at the wall, needs to hear from someone.

I received a message over the weekend that filled my heart and tickled my soul, a friend sharing gratitude and love….It just happen to arrive at one of those perfect moments of reflection.

So reach out – for you or for another. What seems like a challenge becomes even fun with a little support.

Stay in action, daily…as is usually required. Creating new success habits require daily, consistent actions.

Wishing you a day filled with love, joy and peace.

Julette Millien

Creating a habit of Right Action – Day 6


I just had to say hello…thought about what we’re doing with this daily approach to crafting the best possible life and my heart got full. 🙂

To each of you…as you read this, please dedicate a moment of joy in honor of all your intentions and commitments and hard work.

You are a shining example of all that is good and wonderful about the human race. We try, we “fail,” we try harder and eventually we prevail.

I hope you have an awe-inspiring yet peaceful weekend.

Love & Light,
Julette Millien


Creating a habit of Right Action – Day 5

Hi there!

As with all great accomplishments in life, time, commitment, energy, focus, hard work and lots of love is required.   And creating a new success habit is a great accomplishment!

Let’s look at that ‘focus’ word. For those of you who drive, imagine leaving your home and traveling to a chosen destination. Let’s say it’s a place you’ve not been before.

What would you need? Some directions for sure…however received. In order to get where you’re going you’d need to listen to or read those directions, being sure to follow carefully.

As you travel, a picture of the place will no doubt be in your mind. Even if you opted to stop along the way, IF you really needed or wanted to get to this destination, you would get back on your path, to complete the journey.

To follow the directions, keep the destination in mind and stay on the path you would need to FOCUS your mind and attention on the desired goal.

This is what you are reminded to do today. It’s day 5 of a second round of habit forming, 21-day journeys…you COULD be loosing focus a bit.

DON’T! 🙂 Really, hold your focus.  Creating new habits takes great focus and attention to the details.

Focus on:

  • Where you’re headed
  • Why you started the journey
  • What the benefits are – both along the way and particularly WHEN you achieve your desired goal.
  • What you need to be doing DAILY to get there – at the desired time

Be sure as well to focus on your source of power, inspiration and peace. I’ve found that by focusing on my source – God-Love, the results cease to depend on my much smaller ability as a lone individual.  I get to plug into a universal and unlimited source of infinite power.

Stay focused, enjoy this journey and keep doing your right actions.

Have a magnificent day!

Love & Light
Julette Millien

Creating a habit of Right Action – Day 4

Hi Everyone – was busy, so busy all day with some RIGHT ACTIONS!! 🙂

I usually start the day with writing or other work, and squeeze the gym or workout in during the day sometime BUT I SO prefer early morning work-outs that whenever possible I do it that way.

Today I did and it was fantastic. I wish I could commit to that daily. But it’s just not possible with my schedule.

I don’t know if I reported back – I remember telling you all that my symbolic action in the last series was drinking a glass of water each morning before I touch the floor. Well, that is such an ingrained habit now, I reach for it automatically without even thinking! Creating new success habits can be such fun! 🙂

The symbolism is huge for me…I imagine the water   flowing all over my body, a fluid that nourishes and gives strength – spiritual strength to every cell. It represents my simple obedience to a higher call to do what’s right, no matter what I feel in the moment. Humility is potency.

So…I hope your day went and is going well. Doing all Right Actions as you committed.  Creating your powerful new habits with daily right action.

I highly suggest you enjoy some beautiful art today. I believe it’s through reflecting on art and beauty that man locates those untapped resources within. The ones we all have. The inclination to do this thing or another, the courage and confidence to try at our highest and best output.

Have a magnificent day, evening or morning!

Love & Light,
Julette Millien

Creating a Habit of Right Action – Day 3


Today’s word is INFLUENCE.

As you do your daily right actions designed to create your new success habit, and stay on course with your commitment to be at your highest and best to impact the world, you exist within a sphere of influence. We all do, being all human.

The question today is…or rather, the suggestion is this:

Define your circle of influence:

  • What and who influences you?
  • Who do you influence?
  • Basically what is your sphere of influence?

KNOWING what impacts you and who you impact is powerful.
Powerful because you first have to know a thing before you can change it, grow it or stop it.

  • Within your sphere are you doing any influencing?
  • What are the habits of those who influence you?
  • And their beliefs – do they support or conflict with your own idea of your potential?
  • Who are the supporters of your vision, your potential and your goals?
  • About the people you hang with…do they support, detract or have no impact?

Check out this list and determine who/what influences you the most among the listed factors.  As you go about creating new success habits with daily right actions, knowing what  impacts and influences you is essential.

Choose your top 5:

1.   loved ones- family members – close
2.   loved ones – family members – distant (family heroes, deceased, etc)
3.   readings – articles, news, Facebook/online links and leads
4.   poetry, biographies, plays, music
5.   videos, movies, tv
6.   your own beliefs of either limit/lack or abundance
7.   education – formal or self taught
8.   your fears and anxieties
9.   fears and anxieties of others
10. memories – the past
11.  loved ones – friends
12.  loved ones – romantic attachments
13.  role models, mentors, coaches
14.  your own behaviors and recent actions
15.  your spiritual beliefs, heroes and guides, scripture

Determine your sphere of influence and the specific source of major influence as best you can.  Reflect on whether what is influencing you is consistent with your goals, potential and visions for yourself.

Sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments in behaviors and relationships to ensure best results.

Alignment is always good but sometimes just not possible. So we do the best with what we’ve got…but…at least be aware of what impacts your mind, spirit, emotions and psyche.

As usual, please continue with daily activities as committed.

Have a thoughtful and insightful day!

Wishing you an abundance of light, love and joy,

Julette Millien

Right Actions: Day 2


I was on my way here to share a message with you about your vision for your life after these next 20 days.  As part of that message I planned to suggest you reflect on your examples from your life – experienced or read-about.

Well before getting here, I happened to read a blog post from one of our participants about the power of making the bed! She mentions as well the lesson learned from her Mom…SO me, a lover of synchronicity, had to add her post to his message.

Check it out here, it’s so good! â–ºhttp://bit.ly/935RX7

The power of doing those small daily things cannot be over-emphasized!

And it’s really powerful to figure out what your PDMD’s (personal daily must-do’s) are. As you know, it can make the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days; productive and unproductive days.

Suggested activities for today:

1)  Read the above blog

2)  DO your daily activities – symbolic

3)  DO those ‘right actions’ you committed to in order to complete or significantly begin your last 2009 project

3)  Reflect on this: your vision of you and your life 20 days from now, after completion of said project – see this image in all the specific details you can muster

4)  Who in your life (real or read) exemplifies this life? It’s always helpful, even powerful to identify those who’ve done what you’re doing

5)  Identify clearly WHO will benefit in addition to yourself from the completion or start of this ‘project.’ [Even with personal habit changes, other people benefit, sometimes from the joy of an improved you in an improved relationship]

…I’m a bit off schedule so I’ll bid a hasty farewell…Until tomorrow

Love & Light
Julette Millien

Right Action: Day 1 of 21 Days!

Hello there! [to participants of 75 Days of Action Challenge on Facebook]

I got so excited when I happened onto a tidbit of intriguing information — that Handel wrote the Messiah in 21 days!!

Well after a little digging I gather it was NOT done in 21 days. While that was a bummer to discover as it suited our purpose here so sweetly, it appears he still impressed!

He completed the Messiah —  ‘one’ of the most beautiful pieces of music, imho — in 24 days.  Another source said 25 days; all 3 sections, 53 separate pieces, choruses, recitatives and airs in twenty-four days!  It’s reported that he worked so steadily during these 3 weeks he often forgot to eat.

Fact is A WHOLE LOT can be done in 3 short weeks.

SO — what have you decided to accomplish over the next 21 days?

You can take your life in a whole new and inspired direction or you can complete something started and needs to be fully realized or you can begin a new series of behaviors that will lead to your highest and best self.

Whatever it is…START it TODAY.


RIGHT ACTION” are those actions that if done daily WILL take you to the place you most long to be. This is intentionally left open for interpretation.

This is my interpretation: Right actions for me on a daily basis are connected to universal love. Starting with my well-being, they keep me healthy, organized, productive and focused on loving and helping people.

  • Universal love is right action.
  • Personal health is right action.
  • Service is right action.
  • Productivity is right action.

So on a daily basis, I do things to remain healthy – emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This used to be a long list of PMD’s – [personal must-do’s, I actually used a chart and still encourage others to do this] that I checked off daily. Today much of it is on automatic because deeply ingrained habits have been created.

I also do things daily in the service of others.

On a daily basis – with some exceptions, I try to be productive at my highest level. Sometimes that productivity is about order and organization, like today, a couple of hours will be spent on my office space.

This is how I conceive of and  implement “right action.”   What’s important is for you to be crystal clear about what your daily right actions must be in order for you to create your highest and best possible life.

Over the next 21 days I suggest you spend time DAILY engaged in those right actions you decided upon during our planning phase – the last 2 days.

Suggested Activities for today:

1)  Write out clearly what your daily actions will be (you have the opportunity here to create multiple new habits – GO FOR IT!)

2)  Select a combination of daily actions that support each other. For instance if early bedtime/rising [or any other personal routine] is your desire, select a series of actions that will make that happen. Often what we wish to accomplish requires specific PLANNING, setting up the environment, supportive personal behavior and informing others and so forth.
If it’s implementing an idea…write out ALL of the action steps required and then break it up in 21 portions, doing a specific set of things each day.

3)   Continue your symbolic actions and any others you started in the last series…or decided to begin today.

4)  Create a visual representation of your RIGHT ACTIONS – draw it, use clip art or pictures…Create something you can see daily.

5)  Contact your accountability partner and discuss your plans – use whatever format works and you haven’t try SKYPE…

NOTICE: if anyone would like an accountability partner, there is someone in touch with me who would like to team up. Let me know asap.

6)  Write about the challenges you anticipate and your plan for handling each one of them [if you haven’t already, have a book/journal dedicated to this journey, random pieces of paper will not work]

7)  Have fun, smile, laugh…share your enthusiasm and excitement with someone.

That’s seems like a lot…but it’s worth the time and effort. Recall your initial excitement about these 75 days and the reasons you signed up…isn’t the desired outcome worth the investment of time and effort?

Have a MAGNIFICENT day! I wish you breathtakingly beautiful moments of love and peace and joy….

Love & Light,
Julette Millien