Getting Ready for 21 Days of NO COMPLAINING

Hi there!

Below is the first message sent to the participants of this wonderfully ambitious group! It was sent on Wednesday 8/5, less than 24 hours after the event was launched and 100+ people were already signed up.

To date 610 facebook friends have registered and I’m just so excited about what that says!

Anyway…please see the message below. Take a few moments to read and get into the ‘no complaining’ mindset!

We begin officially on Tuesday August 11th.

The link to the event on facebook is here.


I feel an immediate bond with everyone on the other side of this ‘send’ because just having an INTENTION to do this says a WHOLE lot about your heart, your character and your life!

You are a wonderful person!

The word “Excitement” can’t even contain the sensation and it barely conveys where I’m at πŸ™‚

We officially begin next Tuesday…and let me tell you I’m amazed with the sign-ups…I haven’t even done invitations yet! Just the members of 2 groups I facilitate – Success Habits in 21 Days and How do I forgive and heal the world have been informed!

The response is an indication of how ready the world is becoming for shifts in consciousness…in my humble opinion.

OK…so can I suggest that you BECOME AWARE? To help with this:

***Get a journal/notebook/efile and assign it to this journey. Write about your experience as often as possible.

Write about how often negative thoughts and emotions pop up – and perhaps write about the challenge, how it feels to give and receive compliments, how people respond to your compliments. Just stay connected to the process, have fun with it and record as much of it as you can.

***Ask a trusted friend ( or a few) for feedback...”on a scale of 1-10, how positive do you perceive me to be?”

I’ll be in touch again!

Oh – and a favorite facebook friend – Shirley Johnson – left a question on the event wall “does anyone want a compliment partner?”

THAT is a great idea! Hook up with someone and encourage each other during the 21 days. Share challenges and insights.

What a GREAT way to use facebook? Don’t you think? πŸ™‚


Oh… again…invite your friends, and let’s have a ball around the world!

Love & Light,

Julette Millien


14 Responses

  1. Yah i wd like to join this course

  2. it’s a wonderful thing to be doing and i am really excited about it. i have had fleeting negative thoughts since morning but i did’t let them go on, feeling nicer as a result of it..

    • Hi Gulnaz,
      You just named one of the most wonderful outcomes — feeling “nicer” when complaining ceases or at least slows down! Wonderful!!

      Hope you stick with it – the fleeting negative thoughts will be reduced!

      Best to you,

  3. Hello there Julette, I often practise this with my son for some years now at certain periods. We try to go for a week and always find it difficult but fun. I had read that this is what Maya Angelou has always practised and she is one of my idols. Thank you for sharing, it’s such a wonderful thing and so is your FB group. Love

    • Hi there Makeba!

      Yes, I heard that as well. And Lord knows if it’s good enough for Dr. Maya, it surely is for us! πŸ™‚

      That’s so good to do with your son – we include our children – what an eye opener for them!

      My pleasure in sharing this event- really!

      I apologize to you and others for this tardy reply here. It’s not my preference at all.

      Wishing you the best,

  4. I’m looking forward to participate. My attempt to join on Facebook has not be accepted. 😦

    • Hi Gary – I hope this matter was resolved — with joining facebook I mean.

      If it wasn’t, I will be posting all the messages at this blog site so please stay on board with us.

      Wishing you the best,

  5. Interesting concept I’d like to explore.

  6. Julette & All,

    I think I must have started early in this, even before your most recent communication. It seems that all last weekend I was consciously aware and expressing gratitude in myriad ways.

    I trust your snafus with FB will be completely ended and settled soon so that even more folks can join in and practice 21 DAYS OF NO COMPLAINING! πŸ˜€

    With kind regards & thanks for this,


  7. Hi Jessan!

    How wonderful to hear about expressing gratitude in a ‘myriad of ways.’ That;s awesome. If we don’t have gratitude, what can we have right?

    Yes, all tech issues are worked out…and by request folks are joining in steady numbers.

    Thank YOU!

    Wishing you the best,

  8. Is it possible to join in today August 18th, I m really exited at the idea to be walking aroung in this universe conected to so many people doing the same work at the same time with the same intention. What a wonderful posibility.

  9. please let me know at my mail, thank you

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